Lifestyle of every person is different from one another as they all have their own way of living and to go through day to day chores .But the term lifestyle management means having structred and oriented pattern of doing daily chores,work of way of living . The term management here implies making the lifestyle smooth and health oriented so that it could ease and lower down the physical and mental dispute within a person’s life.Increasing lifstyle disorders in young Indians are largely attributed by unhealthy lifestyle patterns such as poor dietery pattern, inadequate physical activities ,sleep deprivation,smoking and alcoholism and the mental hygiene. In past recent years there has been a rapid increase in lifestyle disorders due to globalization and urbanization as there a contention of building career and goals. Here lifestyle management can be an add on to their usual span of skills and specialities as lifestyle management can reduce the morbidity and mortality of life threatening conditions such as cancer ,coronary heart diseses and other mental illness. Few lifestyle management should be taken care of to ease and making life stress free.

1. food and lifestyle : Healthy eating and Weight management

A well balanced diet is linked to maintaining health and reducing the risk of developing varoious diseases such as heart diseases,hypertension,type 2 diabetes,stroke and certain cancers . Obesity is recognised as a risk factor in the development ofmany of these diseases and consequently its increasing prevalence has been acknowledged as a major concern for public health. Weight loss of 5-10 % can result in substantial health gains . As BMI plays an important role thus it has to be maintained.

REGULARISE EATING HABITS – Aim to eat three meals and two times snacking habits. In order to avoid “snacking” and “grazing” eating three meals and having two times snacks per day is suggested so that no long hours without food and having a healthy breakfast is must . Include two snacks per day .long periods without food often leads to hunger and snacking.Snack food such as confectionary ,cake ,biscuites are high in fat and sugar therefore eating raw salads or fruits are encouraged at the tim e they feel vulnerable to making inappropriate choices. Evenings are common timme for overeating through snacking or drinking . Strategies such as pre prepared raw vegetables or fruits in fridge can be helpful. To regularise eating behaviour following needs to be considered.

  • When to eat.
  • What to eat .
  • How much to eat.

Advantages of eating three meals and two snacks per day is It provides the body with adequate nutrition and thus reduces strong craving for foods that are going to set off overeating. Essential nutrition is suggested to take and following the “Eat Well Plate” is essential here.

2.Getting the balance right : Managing work- home conflict

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